The time flies by and we canโt believe we were almost closed for 2 months.
It was like we would never get the chance to meet the lovely babies again in our studio. But all the hard worked paid off thank to all Canadian citizen and frontline workers.
Today we are so excited and happy to share our first newborn photography experience after reopening.
during the quarantine time.
Due to Covide-19 like other non-essential businesses, we decided to be closed. It was a very hard time. Not be able to work. And we found out how much we are missing our lovely little babies and pregnant moms. After a couple of weeks only doing office works and editing the previous projects, we started to create some blogs and videos.
Some educational materials to show our clients “Tips for photographing your own newborn at home with natural light.” With the educational video, thankfully many were able to capture this unique moment with their own camera or cellphone in their home, using natural light.
On the other hand, we worked really hard to get prepared for reopening. We ordered face shield, face mask, gloves, alcohol, and a no-touch digital thermometer. To raise awareness for our clients about our precessions, we made a new video which also gave the other fella photographers a chance to educate themselves and follow the same path.
How we do newborn photography during covid-19
Back to new normal
Finally itโs time to reopen and we are so excited. To be in a safe side, and as we are shorthanded with staffs and assistants,ย we decided to do just one photography session per day. Cleaning the studio is taking more time than usual. Sanitizing al the common areas and door nubs. Spraying alcohol to all the nonwashable props that we are going to use.
Another new job that we need to do every time, is to go to the parking area and help the clients to get into the building. This is our new normal to welcome the families into our studio and talk them through all the steps. Too much work right? But itโs all worth it as it feel really safer for both sides.
First newborn photography experience
The first family we visited after two mouths is so lovely. Gorgeous couple with a handsome six yours old boy and their brand-new 14 days old newborn baby boy.
Honestly itโs very hard to work with glows, face mask and face shield specially in a 26 degrees room that feels like a hot yoga studio. This is a very new experience. On the other hand keep thinking about sanitizing our hands. First time doing the session with new condition we got so frustrated, but seeing the joy of a pleasant experience in our clientโs faces washed it all away. We donโt change it with anything else and we would keep working in this condition as long as it takes. Hopefully the crisis resolves sooner than later and we can all enjoy the life as it was before. We areย so excited and so happy to start again.