Vancouver & Burnaby Baby Photography | Brooklyn

We have had the pleasure of taking sweet Broooklyn’s pictures every three months and it has been just amazing watching her grow.
Baby’s first year of life is full of so many stages and changes and each one is exciting to capture.

Vancouver & Burnaby baby photography | Brooklyn

The newborn session is done within the first 14 days of baby’s life to ensure we capture those gorgeous, squishy, sleeping shots. The studio is very warm during this session to make a baby as comfortable as possible. The session is lengthy and usually, takes approx 3 hours depending on your selected package. Besides occasionally feeding baby we want you to sit back, relax and enjoy watching the session.

The next stage for pictures is around the 3-month mark or 100 days old. At this session, the baby will be awake, not sleeping like the newborn session. Baby should be able to hold up their head on their own and lay on their tummy comfortably.

One of the most expressive stages for baby photography is the sitter session which is usually done between 6-8 months old or whenever baby can sit on their own. At this age, the baby has many smiles and new expressions and usually cannot yet crawl or run away making it ideal. It’s at this stage a great amount of personality can be seen and baby often has a ton of fun at this session.

And of course, we can’t forget the 1-year session or cake smash session. Yes, it’s exactly as it sounds and if you decide to do a cake smash session your little one will have the fun of getting messy and enjoying their cake in addition to their more classic portraits.

Hope you enjoy looking at some of Brooklyn’s pictures as much as we’ve enjoyed watching her grow up. Can’t wait to see her for her 1yr session soon.

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Looking for a Vancouver newborn photographer for your family and like the pictures on this blog post?Contact Jafar Edrisi and Nasim Yousefi in Jana Photography who provide premier and professional quality portraits of maternity, baby, kids, and newborns.

World travelers and international award winners in portrait photography are honored to be chosen as your family photographers. Jana Photography service in Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Richmond, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, New Westminster, White Rock, Langley, Delta, Fraser Valley, Abbotsford and all Lower Mainland area.

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